Feature summary
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, with type II collagen making up a significant portion of hyaline cartilage in the joints. Vital for the formation of the scaffold on which bone is built, collagen works alongside the amino acid lysine, and vitamin C, to improve musculoskeletal health, helping to combat osteoporosis and other bone-depleting diseases.Stronger bones and joints are more resistant to injuries from daily wear and tear and from sporting injuries and falls. Collagen and elastin are the dynamic duo of joints and skin, providing strength and flexibility throughout the body. However, ultraviolet light, joint injuries, and chronic inflammation can all lead to impaired synthesis of collagen and elastin, resulting in weaker connective tissue, more porous bone, and dehydrated, poorly oxygenated, and undernourished skin that is prone to wrinkles and sagging.
Depleted collagen resources can be renewed by choosing Collagen with Lysine Vitamin C from webber naturals. This unique formula works to reduce the effects of degenerative joint conditions such as osteoarthritis, support repair of muscle injuries, boost bone health, as well as improve the health of skin, keeping it smooth, supple, and hydrated!
Main selling features
- A unique high quality marine-derived type II collagen
- Enhances health of connective tissues, joints, gums, and skin
- Supports the repair of skeletal muscle injuries
- Reduces joint pain and halts degeneration of connective tissues
- A Kosher collagen supplement
- Safe, well-tolerated, naturally occurring supplement that poses little risk of interaction with medications